Procyon A F5IV–V (Late stage F type star) Mass 1.499±0.031 M☉ File:1312.7431 Habitability around F-type Stars.pdf
Procyon A is a yellowish star that is hotter and 7.5 times brighter than our Sun, and radiates somewhat more in ultraviolet wavelengths than our Sun. Many astronomers believe that the star has entered the last phase of its life and is becoming dimmer.[1]
Procyon A is the upper left member of the "Winter Triangle" of first magnitude stars, included with Sirius (Alpha Canis Minoris) and Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis).[1] There is some indication of a possible exoplanet in this system. According to NASA Star and Exoplanet Database, the inner edge of Procyon A's habitable zone is located at around 1.981 AUs from the star, while the outer edge lies at around 4.003 AUs. An Earth-type planet would be "comfortable" with liquid water[1] between 2.34 and 3.0 AU with a small inclination of about 10°.[2] Its orbit period would be 4.2 years long.[1]
Procyon A puts out more ultraviolet radiation than our Sun.[1] For life to exist in the habitable zone, the exoplanet would have to have a thicker ozone layer than Earth's. Ozone absorbs UV-B radiation from the sun. When an ozone molecule absorbs UV-B, it comes apart into an oxygen molecule (O2) and a separate oxygen atom (O). Later, the two components can reform the ozone molecule (O3).[3]
The star is rich in elements heavier than hydrogen ("metals rich"), as it has about 1.4 times the iron abundance of our Sun. Dust has been detected in the system (Kuchner and Brown, 2000). It was probably enriched by its companion star, a white dwarf, Procyon B. They are separated "on average" by about 16 times the distance from Earth to Sun, 14.9 astronomical units (AUs) of an orbital semi-major axis. This is roughly the distance between Uranus to our Sun.[1]
- The Lacerta Files indicate that humanoid beings, very much humanlike, from Procyon came to our Solar System some 65 MYA, and were responsible for the Yucatan Impact Event. Their purpose was to extinct the large dinosaurs, colonize the planet, and extract the element copper. Procyon is 11.45 light years from our Sun. The "Procyons" are really just a colony race of the Illojiim, whose homeworld is Aldebaran.
- The star Procyon is featured on the Flag of Brazil, to represent the state of Amazonas.[4] The Brazilian state is about 3500 km from the Yucatan Peninsula.